my longest,worst journey ever!

or somehow i willl use dis blog to write things i wont want to totally forget,like my journey to yola.
it happens hat iv decided to come to yola two daes before actually going to jos..
i go to jos normally when im broke nd popsy forgot to send my transport fare,so i gathered my remaining cash to come to yola!!!!!
I confirmed my travelling route et the park the dae before nd they gave me advices. i took it since they know the road better than i do,boi was i wrong!!
i had 2 travel to jos then join another car to yola,or travel to makurdi then reach yola.
they told me to follow makurdi cos it will be shorter.
didn't argue there,was even glad for there advice.unfortunately it will lead to spending a total of 13HOURS just sitting inside car nd wishing u were hands are tired so maybe ill finish dis when i feel better.....dey go!!!


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