
Lying down on my bed fully dressed!!!! Nothing to do! The novel with me is making me sleepy.
Can't read five pages without dosing a bit, nd its not like the book is boring.....
Something in this jos is not just ryt! This is unlike me!!!
On a completely unrelated event, my wallet is now a big enemy of mine cos its been so empty I don't carry about nd its vexing! Swallowing my recharge card! So now I'm just as useless as the 'H' in John.
Maybe I should look for job. But what can I do? Virtually anything if I put my mind to it. But the problem is finding the job first.... Nd salesboy is out cos that's just cutting it.... If only net cafe can hire me for a month *wistful thoughts..... Sha reality check! I should leave this bed nd do something like climb bike nd reach mai adiko... I'm in a fifa12 mood!!! Toodles
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