I was using a friend's phone, trying to save something for him in the notes, when I stumbled on so many written pieces (or typed) written by him. Made me curious as to what causes this. Read a few, some where beautifully written, some where just pointless thoughts typed in a phone. My curiosity was towards what motivated him to write this much, and also where did he find time?...
Now, while lying down and waiting for sleep, phone down to 8%, my charger just got damaged, so there's light but there's no way I can charge the phone, then the thoughts start of flooding in. Reality check, helplessness. As my first writing in my note, this may be without any form or shape, just ramblings. That's the excuse I use whenever I'm too lazy to settle down and do something.....
God I wish I could do something about this helplessness, as my phone is running down without any way of me preventing it, they thought of my own mortality comes to mind. With every breath, ur life battery is running down and there's nothing u can do to boost it up. Firm follower and practitioner of quo cera cera, what will be will be. But that doesn't mean u can't enrich ur life with beautiful things, things that make u feel charged up (lol). On the bright side, no matter how bad it gets, it will get better, like now that I've gotten a new charger to complete this piece. So u can feel down and whatnot, but just don't give up hope in what u doing.
U gone come out good at the other side
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