ex jam week

its a dae after the ek jam wee!!!!!!
or ex jam daes as we call it cos it was only a two daes event.....
it was very shaky, like it wont happen at due the incompetency of the excos involved...
they were able to pull tru nd make it a two-dae event instead of the proposed 5 daes...
they first dae looked dull sef at the beginning.....but it became very lively when the rain started falling nd bois got crazy...
we forward roll nd planted...barrel roll all inside the muddy water...my phone got crashed, MAD misplaced one leg of his shoe,
it was hella fun for those that were there!!!!!
the second dae was soooo hot the whole abu shook when we did our matching/doubling.
the turnout was impressive except for the gamus gurls that the parade a lil non combatant.....
im tired,
the bonfire nd the rocking nd the general summary of my stay coming soon
........dey go!!!


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