new new

Well, its been 8 months since I last posted anything here. U could say I was on a sabbatical or on hiatus, which ever U see fit t use..
Sha I've been alive and well. U can imagine I dint even cover the asuu strike even once, the frustration, the flops, the good times, the struggle, the thirst, all gone like it was last year (well, actually it is).
What brought me here today is actually free wifi, lol, yeah, free wifi can make a person remember stuffs.......
While hanging with some of my hommies, t.i, Pierre, and the fat one (I've forgotten the name he said I could use), I discovered that though this my blog is completely and utterly without order or arrangement, it stands out from the numerous other blogs that are now as rampant as techno android phones!!
From the news people, to the advert people, the poets are gathering waves, some just write words that rhyme and label it poem, NIGGA, this aint primary school!! Though i am pointing fingers at anybody.... So this is a declaration on my part that I will continue to write here as long as those other bloggers remain too!! Though not as frequent as them, and it will be me talking about nothing and nothingness.... in other news, I've been learning Latin..... so to sum up this our current blogger issue, I'd say Linda Ikeji is the cause... but this will render my argument POST HOC, ERGO PROPTER HOC!!! :D
yeah, this is Maaruf, signing out for the first time and not the last time in 2014. peace!


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